American History Press

Author Guidelines

We welcome inquiries from potential authors, whether your book is in final format, or is at the beginning stages of development. However, we do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

Please send an introductory email describing your work to Include an explanation of the scope of your work, its pertinency and value to its targeted audience, any marketing plans, and a general idea of sources that you used. If we feel that your book and American History Press are a good fit, we will then send a Prospective Author Form for you to fill out.

If we accept your work for publication, we obtain an ISBN and a Library of Congress Control Number for your book. We then oversee the design process [formatting, font selection, layout, and cover design], arrange distribution, and provide marketing advice. Currently this is all done at no charge to the author.

The vast majority of our titles never go out of print, and authors and their heirs can be assured of a continual royalty stream.

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